M.Sc.2 (applied mathematics + theoretical physics)
Dynamical Processes on Complex Networks
Mathematical modelling and simulations
Markov chains, stochastic processes
Quantum mechanics: entanglement and optical lattices
W.Ganczarek, M.Modugno, G.Pettini, and J.Zakrzewski, Wannier functions for one-dimensional s−p optical superlattices, Physical Review A 90, 033621 (2014)
W.Ganczarek, Single Infection Epidemic Spreading Model, Extended Abstracts Spring 2013, Trends in Mathematics 2, 23 (2014)
W.Ganczarek, Finite size effects in epidemic spreading: the problem of overpopulated systems, Central European Journal of Physics 11, 1662 (2013)
W.Ganczarek, M.Kuś, and K.Życzkowski, Barycentric measure of quantum entanglement, Physical Review A 85, 032314 (2012)
Mathematical models for epidemic spreading on complex networks (M.Sc. in applied mathematics, IM UJ 2013)
One-dimensional superlattices with s-p resonance (M.Sc. in theoretical physics, IF UJ 2013)
2010-2013 Jagiellonian University, Cracow
Master of Science in Theoretical Physics (studies in english)
spring 2012 École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Erasmus exchange programme in Physics (one semester)
2010-2013 Jagiellonian University, Cracow
Master of Science in Applied Mathematics
2007-2010 Jagiellonian University, Cracow
Bachelor of Science in Physics
11.2012 – 09.2013 Department of Atomic Optics, Jagiellonian University, Cracow
07.2010 – 04.2012 Center of Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
10.2008 – 06.2010 Department of Physics of Organic Materials, Jagiellonian University
08.2009 – 09.2009 Ultra Cold Neutron Source group, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland